.tar Unpacking: tar xvf FileName.tar Package: tar cvf FileName.tar DirName (Note: tar is packaged, not compressed!) ————————— —————— .gz Unzip 1:gunzip FileName.gz Unzip 2:gzip -d FileName.gz Compress:gzip FileName
.tar.gz and .tgz Unzip: tar Zxvf FileName.tar.gz Compress: tar zcvf FileName.tar.gz DirName ——————————————— .bz2 Extract 1 :bzip2 -d FileName.bz2 Unzip 2: bunzip2 FileName.bz2 Compress: bzip2 -z FileName
.tar.bz2 Unzip: tar jxvf FileName.tar.bz2 Compression: tar jcvf FileName.tar.bz2 DirName &mdash ;—————————————— .bz Extract 1:bzip2 -d FileName.bz Extract 2:bunzip2 FileName.bz Compression: Unknown
.tar.bz Extract: tar jxvf FileName.tar.bz Compression: Unknown —————&mdas h;————————— .Z Unzip: uncompress FileName.Z Compress: compress FileName .tar.Z
Unzip: tar Zxvf FileName.tar. Z Compression: tar Zcvf FileName.tar.Z DirName ——————————————— .zip Unzip: unzip FileName.zip Compress :zip FileName.zip DirName ——————————————— .rar Unzip: rar x FileName.rar Compress: rar a FileName .rar DirName ——————————————— .lha Extract: lha -e FileName.lha Compress: lha -a FileName. Lha FileName ——————————————— .rpm Unpacking: rpm2cpio FileName.rpm
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