MSN can't log in, report 0x81000301 error


If you find an error when logging in to MSN, error number: 0x81000301
Please follow the steps below to resolve the problem:

If your system is Windows 98/Me
1) Start > Run
2) Enter %windir% Enter to open the Windows installation folder.
3) Open the "Application Data" > "Microsoft" folder.
4) Delete the "MSN Messenger" folder.
Note: If your system has multiple users, please delete the folder corresponding to your account.

If your system is Windows 2000/XP

1) Start > Run
2) Enter %appdata%\\Microsoft Enter to open the folder.
3) Delete the "MSN Messenger" folder.

Finally, log back in to your MSN Messenger.

In addition, if there is an error code 0x81000302, then most likely your network has been disconnected, please check your network is connected properly.

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