Win10 mobile version build10070 spy photos exposure launched general office application


The win10 mobile version build10070 spy photos are exposed, or a general office application will be launched. Do you want to know more about the win10 mobile version of build10070, and then look down.

Windows Mobile Build 10070 spy photos leaked on the Internet today, the screenshot does not reveal too much new stuff, apart from the start screen. However, a significant change is revealed in these screenshots, which is that the distance between the moving magnet blocks has been greatly reduced to increase the size of the moving magnet block itself. In addition, the screenshot also shows that a magnetic block called "Word Preview" has been added to the screen, which may be the general office application planned to be launched at the end of this month.

According to the news, the screenshot comes from Samsung ATIV running Windows mobile version Build 10070, Windows mobile version Build 10070 seems to be highly unstable on this smart phone, and there are many bugs, so I don't know Windows mobile version yet. Will the Build 10070 be tested this month for Windows Mobile beta testers.

In addition, the outside world is currently not clear whether the Windows Mobile Build 10070 new start screen is caused by a bug, or it is the start screen of Microsoft's redesign.

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