What should I do if Win10 is expired? Win10 volume activation expired reactivation method


What should I do if Win10 is expired, can I still activate it? Recently, a friend's Win10 computer appeared to be out of date. The "Activate Windows Go to "Settings" to activate Windwos" prompt appears in the lower right corner of the desktop. Due to the previous batch activation method, it is not permanently activated and is valid for only half a year. What should I do if Win10 is expired? Below, the computer Pepsi network Xiaobian brings you Win10 volume activation expired, re-activation method.

What should I do if Win10 is expired? Win10 batch activation expired reactivation method

Generally, after Win10 volume activation expires, you only need to use some activation tools to reactivate it. After activation, the validity period is half a year. The tool is activated, which is equivalent to permanent activation.

The Win10 batch activation tool has a lot of online, you can search online, such as the pony activation tool, the storm one-button permanent activation tool, you can go to search and download, the following is the specific method.

1. Download and install the Win10 activation tool, then open the run, then click "One button to permanently activate Windows and Offfice", as shown below.

2. After clicking one button to activate, you can successfully complete Win10 reactivation after a while, as shown in the figure.

3. After re-complete Win10 activation, you can right click on the "This Computer" icon on the desktop, and then click Properties to enter the system. You can see that the Win10 system has been successfully reactivated, the lower right corner of the desktop. The prompts also disappeared automatically, as shown.

It should be noted that before running the batch activation tool, it is best to turn off some security software already installed in the computer, such as 360 antivirus, Baidu guard, QQ computer housekeeper, Kingsoft Internet Security and other security tools, so as to avoid Being intercepted. In addition, after completing the Win10 activation, it is recommended to uninstall the activation tool to better protect the system.

4. After checking Win10 activation, you can check the expiration time of Win10 activation again, as shown in the figure below.

Related Tutorial: "How to see if Win10 is permanently activated to view Win10 activation commands"

The above is the Win10 volume activation expiration reactivation method. If you need to permanently activate Win10 once and for all, it is recommended. Purchase genuine Win10 serial number activation, so you can really rest assured that it is permanently used.

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