What can I do if Win7 cannot adjust the volume?


Adjusting the volume is one of the things we often do, but if you open the volume icon one day and find that the window that adjusts the volume does not appear, what should I do? In fact, this problem is in Win7 system. Frequently encountered, because some items in the registry have been modified to cause this problem, we can solve the problem by the following methods.

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First, in the Win7 desktop start menu, open the run dialog, then enter the regedit command in the run window and press Press the OK button to open the Registry Editor.

Second, then in Win7 system registry, will locate its path to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run, and then in the right pane of the Run keys in the New & ldquo; The string value & rdquo;, named Systray. Then double-click to open the Systray key and edit it to c:windowssystem32Systray.exe. After

to complete the two-step operation, and finally we exit the Registry Editor, and then restart the computer to take effect. Then click on the volume icon in the lower right corner of the Win7 desktop taskbar and you will see that the familiar volume adjustment widget is back.

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