Two, WindowsInstaller features include:?
if the installation fails to restore the computer to its original state: WindowsInstaller track all changes to the system in the installation process. If the installation fails, the Installer can restore the system to its original state. This is called "rollback." ?
help prevent conflicts between certain forms of program: The program is being installed or uninstalled may result in another program installed on your computer's problems, and even cause the computer to stop responding (hang). The Installer can enforce some installation rules to help prevent conflicts when the installation operation updates a dynamic link library (DLL) file shared by an existing program, or when the uninstall operation deletes a DLL file shared by another program.
diagnose and repair the damaged program:? Installer program may be required to determine whether an installed program file is missing, or if the file is corrupted. It can then ask the service to re-copy only the files that have been found to be missing or corrupted as needed to fix the program. ?
reliably uninstall the existing program: Installer can reliably uninstall any previously installed programs and registry entries and delete all files associated with, but other installed software shared files and registration Except for table entries. ?
support on-demand installation of program features: You can instruct Installer install a minimal subset of the program. After that, the add-on is automatically installed the first time you use a feature that requires an add-on. ?
support program unattended installation: Installer supports using a script to install the program according to the instructions of the administrator.
WindowsInstaller technology is divided into two parts, they work together: Client Installation Service (MsIExec.exe) and Microsoft Software Installation (MSI) package file. Windows Installer uses the information contained in the package file to install the program.
Msiexec.exe program is a component of WindowsInstaller. When the installer calls MsIExec.exe, it uses the Msi.dll read package (.msi) file, applies any translation (.mst) files, and merges the command line options provided by the installer. The Installer performs all installation-related tasks, including copying files to the hard disk, modifying the registry, creating shortcuts on the desktop, and displaying a dialog box when necessary to prompt the user for input installation preferences. After
WindowsInstaller installed on your computer, the file type of .msi files will change the registration so that when you double-click the .msi file, will run MsIExec.exe. Each
MSI package file contains a relational type database, for mounting stored in various installation scenarios (or unloading) the instructions and data required for the program.
three, WindowsInstaller error solutions
WindowsInstaller (windows installation service) is a general purpose software publishing, and now many software use windowsInstaller as their installer, sometimes due to various The cause and the flaws in the windowsInstaller itself can cause an error in the Windows Installer.
Symptoms: When you delete a program, when running certain software, a window will pop up and old "windows are configuring WindowsInstaller, please wait," the.
1, reinstall WindowsInstaller, OfficeXP installation disk root directory has two files named instmsi.exe and InstMsiW.exe of, instmsi.exe for win9X /Me , InstMsiW.exe for Win2000 /XP;
2, open the group policy → computer configuration → Administrative templates → Windows components → WindowsInstaller → disabled WindowsInstaller, but this way, there is a lot of software can be installed, and this Method for Win2000/XP.
3, see the end of this article "ultimate solution"
Symptom two: Win2000 /XP installation when the software prompts "can not access the windows installer service WindowsInstaller state is stopped, can not be start "
1, the command prompt, enter: misIExec /regserver
2, in the" start WindowsInstaller Administrative tools "→" services "