How to set up virtual hotspot sharing Internet access in Windows 8

In Windows 7, we can create a wireless hotspot for network connection of mobile phones or other devices through "Setting up new connections and networks" in the network and sharing center. However, under Windows 8, this feature could not be found. However, we can still enable this feature through a command prompt.
Right click on the lower left corner of the Win8 system screen to call up the mystery menu (shortcut Win + X) and select "Command Prompt (Administrator)".

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First check whether the device supports the creation of ad-hoc. Enter "netsh wlan show drivers" at the command prompt, and see "Supported bearer networks" in the results. "Yes" to create hotspots.

▲Supported bearer network
Next, you can create a wireless hotspot.
Enter "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=jht2013 key=passWord" at the command prompt. The "ssid=" is followed by the wireless network name, and the "key=" is followed by the wireless network password. The above can be defined, but the password requires at least 8 bits.

▲Set the username and password
Next, continue to open the wireless hotspot with the command "netsh wlan start hostednetwork". The following virtual network card adapters can be found in the network connection device. (Name changes by yourself)

▲Created connections
Share Internet connections on the network where the machine is connected.

▲Already shared
At this point, the phone or other device can already connect through the wireless hotspot.

▲Shared connection on the mobile terminal
If you need to turn off the wireless hotspot, you can enter "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork".

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