Apple OS X Lion and Win8 developer preview speed showdown


Apple OS X Lion and Win8 developer preview version of the running speed showdown, viewing guide, involving this battle will inevitably be divided into camps, in fact, the result of excessive care will Deviation from the original intention, it is difficult to measure a test, do not quarrel, noisy, sit and wait for Windows8 public beta is king.

Pcmagde's editor Michael Muchmore brings us the Windows 8 developer preview and Apple Mac OS X performance comparison. The author mentioned at the beginning of the article that this experiment will inevitably require a large number of samples to be accurate, but still want to A preliminary understanding of the differences between Microsoft and Apple.

Win8's upcoming beta preview of the customer will not be there, so let the Windows 8 developer preview come to the top, and the battle with Mac OS X Lion begins.

Test Environment: The 15-inch MacBook Pro in 2011 is configured for 2.2GHz Intel Core i7 and 4GB DDR3 RAM. Then use Boot Camp to install the Windows 8 Developer Preview on your MacBook.

Installation speed, startup and shutdown time, browser benchmarks, etc. Mac OS X Lion and Win8 consumer preview one-to-one comparison:

Description: Geekbench aims to test the processor and memory The performance, running points, the higher the natural score, the better the performance.

The Kraken test was developed by Firefox and the SunSpider test was developed by Apple.


Software Remarks: The green coverage area is the winner.

As for the conclusion, at least this test Windows8 Developer Preview is better than Mac OS X Lion. When the Windows 8 Consumer Preview was released at the end of the month, I wonder if there are still people who are testing again.

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