Windows 2003 system installation aspjpeg component steps share


Today, a customer asked me to install aspjpeg components on windows 2003 server? My first reaction is that asp also supports jpeg things, online search really has this Something, okay, I’ve probably read that this component still has to be charged. In our omnipotent country, I can’t find it for free. I immediately installed it on the server. Let’s talk about the installation method:

1.Download aspjpeg component

This is the official website address: course you can also use this address: .html

2.Install aspjpeg

Step by step next, here to say, select "ld" in the prompt to restart IIS, "No", you can install it under any drive letter, I Is the default installation path. Give 2 keys, lest you find:
Copy code
Code is as follows: 17361-38566-4222148958-77556-02411 The first one I tried is usable The second one I don't know.

3. Register dll

Copy aspjpeg.dll from the aspjpeg installation directory to the system32 directory of the system file. Run the following command in cmd
Copy the code
The code is as follows: regsvr32 c:/windows/system32/aspjpeg.dll

4.Detect aspjpeg expiration time

Save the following code as an asp file

Copy the code
The code is as follows: <%Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg")Response.Write Jpeg. Expires%>

After running to the website directory, you can see a time: 9999-9-9. If it is not successful, it will display the installation date plus 1 month period. Then you can change the registry to replace it. Key.

Copy the code
The code is as follows: HKEY_LOCAL_MA CHINE\\Software\\Persits Software\\AspJpeg\\RegKey

ps:RegKey value is filled in the serial number.

Ok, the aspjpeg component installation is complete here.

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