Windows 10 Build 14316: A lot of improvements in the Edge browser


Computer store news: Microsoft today released a major update for Insider Express members Windows 10 Build 14316, bringing a lot of new features and improvements. However, there are still some bugs in Build 14316, along with fixes and known issues.

In the latest Build 14316, Microsoft has also brought a number of improvements to the Edge browser. The complete update log is as follows: F12 Developer Tools New Content

  • Accessibility Tree View

  • DOM API Analysis

  • Extended Debugging

    New JavaScript Features

  • Default Parameters

  • Asynchronous\\Waiting

  • Object.values ​​and Object.entries

    Experimental JavaScript Features (enabled by about:flags) ES6 Regex symbols New Web Platform Features: Opus Audio Format Time Element Data Element Output Element Input type = color
    Canvas Path2D objects Web Speech API (Synthesis) Fetch API experimental support (enabled at about:flags) Web Notifications API Lab Support (enabled at about:flags)

    New Web Platform Features: Drag and Drop Folders: In Edge, users can drag and drop uploaded folders to sites like OneDrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive.
    Provides better tab operations for mobile devices: On the phone, Microsoft Edge gives you more control over the tabs. Better copy/paste operations on mobile phones: On mobile devices, we have improved copy and paste operations. Better Favorites import experience: You can now import your favorite content from Firefox as well as Chrome and IE. Favorites tree view: In the Hub, you can organize your favorites in a tree view. Download Tip: When you close the Edge browser, there are ongoing downloads that will give you a download prompt. Default save location: You can now set the download file save location by default.

    Windows 10 Build 14316 brings a number of improvements to Edge, and network notifications and the new F12 Developer Tools Access Tree are one of the main features.

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