on Windows XP: apache_2.0.58-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi >>>>>>>>>>>> ;>>http://archive.apache.org/dist/httpd/Each version has PHP-5.1.6-Win32.zipZendStudiOServer-5.1.0a-Windows-i386.exeMySQL-5.0.19-win32PHPMyAdmin-2.9 .1 Installation: Apahce+PHP+MySQL Installation Configuration 1. Install apache_2.0.58-win32-x86-no_ssl and follow the prompts to set the program installation path (my path is d:/usr/). After the installation is complete, if you move the APACHE directory, the parameters under apache2 must be changed. Modify the configuration file httpd.conf under the apache configuration directory CONF, in this case d:/usr/apache2/conf/httpd.conf( 1) ServerRoot: apche program directory (in this case is d: /usr /apache2) (2) ServerAdmin: server administrator's E-mail (3) port: service port, default 80 (4) ServerName: computer network ID , must be consistent with the actual, otherwise there may be some unexpected problems (5) DocumentRoot: the default web file directory (in this case is d: /usr /www) (6) DirectoryIndex: default page, add PHP support, (this example under) DirectoryIndex index.Html index.htm index.php index.php3 index.PHP4 (7) ScriptAlias (alias script), the directory ScriptAlias CGI program /cgi-bin "d: /usr /apache2 /CGI-bin" 2. Install php-5.1.6-Win32 decompression, decompress the path customization (in this case d:/usr/PHP5). 3. Configure PHP and apache to be able to parse PHP programs. PHP configuration: rename the "php.ini-dist" in the PHP directory to "PHP.ini" and modify the PHP.ini as follows: (1) doc_root: consistent with Apache's HTDOCS, this example is d:/usr/www (2) extension_dir this example d: /usr /PHP5 /ext (3) include_path this example d: /usr /PHP5 /includes (4) is removed in front of extension = php_MySQL.dll semicolon, and copy the directory PHP LIBMySQL.DLL file to c: \\ winnt \\ system32 apache configuration under: Finally, add the following statement in apache configuration file to support PHP program: ADDlanguage zh-cn .cndefaultlanguage zh-cnAddDefaultCharset GB2312ScriptAlias /php /"d: /usr /PHP5 /"LoadFile d: /usr/php5/PHP5ts.dllLoadModule php5_module d: /usr/php5/PHP5apache2.dllPHPINIDir d: /usr/php5/PHP.iniAddType application /x-httpd-php .php .php3 .PHP4 .pHtmlAddType application /x-httpd-php-source .PHPs add the content directory part and the actual inconsistency of self-modification 4. Restart the apache server and write the following statement in the editor: <?PHPinfo();?>; Save the file name "test.php" to the user's home directory (in this case d:/usr/www) directory, then Open a browser, browse: http://localhost/test.php, the basic information of PHP shows that the configuration is successful. 5. Install MySQL-5.0.19-win, press "next" to install successfully, and then execute "winmysqladmin.exe" in the C:\\mysql\\bin directory. The initial information surface of MySQL appears, indicating that the installation is successful. 6. Install PHPMyAdmin and extract phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl2.zip into a directory. In this case, d:/usr/phpMyAdmin, enter the directory configuration file config.inc.PHP and modify $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] to http://localhost /PHPMyAdmin modified $ cfg [ 'blowfish_secret'] = 'admin'; modified $ cfg [ 'Servers'] [$ i] [ 'auth_type'] = 'cookIE'; modified $ cfg [ 'Servers'] [$ i ]['user']Modify $cfg['Servers'][$i]['passWord'] for MySQL users for MySQL passwords. The above is the basic content of PHPMyAdmin configuration. Other configurations are edited as needed. apache configuration file httpd.conf Finally, add the following statement: pHP_admin_flag engine onPHP_admin_flag safe_mode offAlias /phpMyAdmin "d: /usr /pHPMyAdmin"; DirectoryIndex index.PHPOptions Indexes MultiVIEwsAllowOverride NoneOrder allow, denyAllow from allPHP_admin_flag engine onPHP_admin_flag safe_mode offPHP_admin_value open_basedir nonephp_admin_value open_basedir "d: /usr /pHPMyAdmin"; the above The directory path section is modified according to actual needs. 7, test apache+PHP+MySQL enter http://localhost/phpMyAdmin in the IE address bar. If the PHPMyAdmin message appears, the configuration is successful. 8. Finally install ZendStudiOServer-5.1.0a-Windows-i386.exe