Windows XP "crash" also plays personality


The chances of using a Windows XP system to crash a friend's computer are much less than before, but for a variety of reasons, the computer sometimes does not respond for a long time, and it crashes. In fact, the computer is not really a crash, but in a state of suspended animation. The test method is: press the Num Lock button in the digital area, if the indicator light responds, it means a fake crash. At this time, we can press the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key combination to execute the "end task" in the "Windows Task Manager". However, sometimes this trick is not very smart, although there is a "closed..." prompt box, the system will still not respond for a long time. Can you personalize the system to make the "crash" smart and fast? Come with me.

Enter "regedit" in "Start → Run" to open the "Registry Editor", modify the registry as follows:

1. Set the waiting time when the program is wrong

Open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\desktop" and find "HungAppTimeout" in the right window. Change the key value to 2000 in milliseconds.

2. Speed ​​up the closing application

Open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Desktop", find "WaitToKillAppTimeout" in the right window, and change the key value to 10000 in milliseconds.

3. Allow forced shutdown

Open "HEKY_USERS\\.DEFAULT\\Control Panel\\desktop", find "AutoEndTasks" in the right window, and change the key value to 1.

4.Automatically restart when the system crashes

Open "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\CrashControl", find "AutoReboot" in the right window, and change the key value to 1.

After the above changes, you will find that the system becomes much smarter when it crashes.

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