Solution for Lantern tool cannot be started under Linux system


Lantern is a commonly used system monitoring tool, which is mostly used for Mac system and can also be used in Linux. In some cases, the Linux system cannot start the Lantern tool, and there is also a line of error code. Here is a detailed explanation of the solution to this problem.

specific error as follows:

/.lantern/bin/lantern: error while loading shared libraries: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory


# apt-cache search libappindicator3

gir1.2-appindicator3-0.1 - Typelib files for libappindicator3-1

libappindicator3-1 - allow applications to export a menu into the panel -- GTK3 version

libappindicator3-dev - allow applications to export a menu into the panel -- GTK3 development

install: apt-get install ibappindicator3 -1

Of course, the above method is customized for the error code in the text. If Lantern is caused by other reasons, you can try to reinstall Lantern, or replace the Lantern installation package and install it.

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