Instructions for using the Linux system xlsatom command


There are a lot of commands in Linux systems. In theory, all mouse and keyboard operations can be done with Linux commands. The xlsatoms command can be used to define the scope and composition of the search file. This article will introduce you to the instructions for using the Linux system xlsatoms command.

Function: Lists the components X Server definition.

Syntax: xlsatoms [-display "display number"] [-format "output format"] [-name "component name"] [-range "list range"]

Additional information: Executing the xlsatoms command will list all the defined components inside the X Server. Each component has its number. You can use the parameter to set the list range or directly specify the component name to be queried.


-display "Monitor Number" Specify the display number of the X Server connection. This number is calculated by “0” and is incremented sequentially.

-format "Output Format" Sets the list format of the component list. You can change the display style using the control characters.

-name "Ingredient Name" Lists the specified ingredients.

-range "List Range" Sets the list of parts list.


This file is decompiled by an unregistered version of ChmDecompiler.

Regsitered version does not show this message.

You can download ChmDecompiler at : Http://

The above is the use of the Linux system xlsatoms command, the role of the xlsatoms command is to develop the rules of the search, you can go to the actual operation of Linux.

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