Linux tips for modifying tab widths


A few spaces in a tab? In general, the linux tab has 4 spaces. However, some users have more than four spaces in the Tab key, and some users have less than four spaces in the Tab key. What is going on? The width of the original Tab is not fixed, but can be adjusted. This article will introduce Linux's tips for modifying the width of the tab key.

Set the width of the Tab key under Linux as follows:

1. Open the .vimrc file directly in your user root directory and type vi ~/.vimrc

2. Add the following command: set tabstop = 4

3. save and exit, run the following command to make the configuration file to take effect.

These are the Linux skills to modify the width of the Tab key, of course, set tabstop = the number 4 behind you can be arbitrarily set, numbers represents the number of spaces in Tab.

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