Linux is the most horrible problem with git bash. Once garbled, it will affect git bash. If you are garbled during git bash, you can use the following method to solve it.
git etc installation directory under add the following configuration information
1, /etc /gitconfig:
encoding = utf -8 #Codebase unified with urf-8, can display Chinese in git gui
commitencoding = GB2312 #log encoding, default gb2312 under window, issued after the statement The server will not garbled
pathnameencoding = GB2312 #Support Chinese path
2, /etc/git-completion.bash:
alias ls=’ls –show-control-chars –color=auto’ #ls can display Chinese
at the end. I found git bash vim also garbled. Set as follows
set nu
set fileencoding=utf-8
set fileencodings=utf-8,gb18030,gb2312,gbk,big5
set ts =4
set expandtab
set autoindent
The above is a way to use git bash for garbled Linux. After treatment, git bash will be able to display Chinese correctly.
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