How to configure Mentohust network on Ubuntu


In school, you usually use campus network, you need to use special software to connect to the network, mentohust is one of them, then how to configure mentohust software under Ubuntu? The following small series will introduce you to the Ubuntu configuration mentohust method.

configuration on mentohust, we must first determine whether or not they used education network uses DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), is to determine whether the actual use static IP, if you usually use the Internet are Static IP then you don't have to use DHCP, if you don't use static IP, you use DHCP. When I configured mentohust myself, I was in a hurry and saw an article about how to configure it, but his use of DHCP, and I did not use it, according to his results, I could not access the Internet.

Network configuration without DHCP

1. Obtain the mentohust client

2. Install Menthoust

sudo dpkg -i./mentohust_0.3.4-1_i386.deb

3. Configure static IP related information

Find the corresponding network card in the network connection, in IPV4 Set the editing information (IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS server). Note that the method is manual (not DHCP).

4. Initialize the configuration, start mentohust @linux:~/Download $ sudomentohust

Welcome to MentoHUST version: 0.3.4

Copyright (C) 2009-2010 HustMoon Studio

People come to Central China, they are sweet and spicy. Mingde is a thick learner and seeks to be an innovator.

Bug report to

** NIC [1]: eth0

** NIC [2] ]: wlan0

** NIC [3]: nflog

? ? Please select the network card [1-5]: 1

** You have selected the [1] NIC.

? ? Please enter your username: XXXXXXXX

? ? Please enter your password: XXXXXX

? ? Please select the multicast address (0 standard 1 Ruijie private 2 Xaar): 0

? ? Please select DHCP mode (0 does not use 1 secondary authentication 2 authentication 3 before authentication): 0

** Username: XXXXXXXX

** NIC: eth0

** Authentication timeout: 8 seconds

** Heartbeat interval: 30 seconds

** Failure wait: 15 seconds

** Allow failure: 8 times

** Multicast address: Standard

** DHCP mode: Not used

** Notification timeout: 5 seconds



** Subnet Mask:

** The authentication parameters have been successfully saved to /etc/mentohust.conf.

》》 Find the server. . .
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