How to set Linux commands as keyboard shortcuts


We all know that most Linux system operations need to be completed using commands, but the commands are more complicated to operate, and it is much simpler to set common commands as keyboard shortcuts. The following small series will introduce you to the method of setting the Linux command as a keyboard shortcut. Let's take a look at the interested friends.

can be any combination of commands or command assigned to a key on the keyboard, may be Alt + [AZ],

Ctrl- [AZ], Alt + Shift + [AZ ], F1-F12, Ctrl-F[1-12], Alt-F[1-12], Alt+Shift+F[1-12], and even more incredible is that even the function key can be added to &ldquo ; parameter & rdquo;, so that when you press the key, it will wait for you to enter the corresponding parameters, and run different commands according to different parameters.

Of course, there are some hotkeys that will be captured by the terminal, such as the common Ctrl-D/C/Q/Z, but it doesn't matter, there are more hotkeys available!

The configuration file for defining the hotkey is: /etc/inputrc or ~/.inputrc. The format of the hotkey is defined as follows:

“ "ASCII characters corresponding to hotkeys" ”: & ldquo; "execution of the order" & rdquo;

The ASCII characters corresponding to the hotkey can be entered by "Ctrl-V, then press the hotkey", such as the character corresponding to Ctrl-G For ^G, the character corresponding to Alt-P is ^[p, the character corresponding to Ctrl-Alt-H is ^[^H.

You can use /C instead of Ctrl, /M instead of Alt, /M-/C instead of Alt-Ctrl, such as /CM = Ctrl-M, /M-/CH = Alt-Ctrl-M. You can also use /e for ^[.

Let's look at some basic hotkey definitions (here the letters in the hotkeys are not case sensitive):

“^[-”:“su -/C- M” # Press Alt+- to execute the su - command. The end /CM indicates that you can enter the defined command and press Enter. You can also use a /n to indicate it more succinctly.

“/M-/C-G”:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& -g opens gaim in the current shell and runs independently from the shell, ie gaim won't close even if you quit the shell

Other combinations can be configured according to your needs, even less said.

You may feel that the definition of hotkeys is too messy, and it is difficult to remember, there are certain restrictions. This problem will be solved later.

Under normal circumstances, we can use the up and down direction keys to find the command history list, so as to repeat the input command, but the direction key is too far from the main keyboard area, such as "frequently used, it will delay a lot of time." And it is not very convenient when moving the right hand. Is there any way to transfer the function of the arrow keys to the place where we often click the command? If you use Alt+J = Down Arrow to find it down, Alt+K=Up Arrow looks down

This can be done by defining a hotkey:

“/eh”:&ldquo ;^[OD” # move left

# Alt-H Moves one character to the left, which is equivalent to Left Arrowgh, where ^[OD is the ASCII character of the up arrow, and the input method is similar to the one mentioned earlier. Br>

“/el”:“^[OC” # move right

# Alt-L Move one character to the right, equivalent to Right Arrow

“/ej&rdquo ;:“^[OB” # move up

# Alt-J Move down, equivalent to Up Arrow

“/ek”:“^[OA” # move down

# Alt-K Move up, equivalent to Down Arrow

“/ei”:“^? <# left earse one character

# Alt-I Delete a character to the left, equivalent to Backspace

“/eo”:delete-char # right earse one character

# Alt-O Delete a character to the right, equivalent to Delete

“/en”:backward-kill-word # left kill one word

# Alt-N Delete to the left One word

“/em”:kill-word # right kill one word

# Alt-M Delete a word to the right

“/ea”:&ldquo ;^[n^[n^[n^[n^[n^[n^[n” # kill to the head

# Alt-A Delete the current position to the beginning, that is, more Alt-N Several times (A--" ahead)

“/ee”:“^[m^[m^[m^[m^[m^[m^[m” # kill to the head

# Alt-E Delete the current position to the end, that is, multiple Alt-M times (E--" end)

“/ep”: insert-last-argumem“< Br>

# Alt-P Insert the last parameter of the previous command (P--" Paste)

”/ew“: forward-word

# The system defaults Alt-F (forward) to jump to the end of the current word, if it is already at the end of the word, skip to the next word (one word on the right) Suffix

”/eq“: backward-word

# System default Alt-B (backward) jumps to the beginning of the current word, if it is already at the beginning of the word, skip to the previous word (one word on the left) prefix
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