In Linux system operation, in order to increase the security of the system, you can use the on-screen keyboard to operate with the mouse. So how does Linux use the on-screen keyboard? In fact, there are a lot of software that can open the on-screen keyboard, and learn it with Xiaobian.
There are several open source keyboard software available in Linux, such as GOK (Gnome's on-screen keyboard), kvkbd, onboard, and Florence.
I will focus on Florence in this tutorial, telling you how to set up an on-screen keyboard with Florence. Florence has features such as flexible layout schemes, diverse input methods, and automatic hiding. As part of the tutorial, I will also demonstrate how to use the mouse to operate the Ubuntu desktop.
Installing the Florence Screen Keyboard in Linux
Fortunately, Florence exists in the underlying repository for most Linux distributions.
In Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint:
$ sudo apt-get install florence
In Fedora, CentOS or RHEL (CentOS/RHEL requires an EPEL repository):
$ sudo yum install florence
In Mandriva or Mageia:
$ sudo urpmi florence
For Archlinux users, Florence exists in AUR.
Configuring and Loading the On-Screen Keyboard
Once you have installed Florence, you can load the on-screen keyboard simply by typing:
$ florence
By default, the on-screen keyboard is always at the top of other windows, allowing you to type on any active window.
Click the Tools button on the left side of the keyboard to change Florence's default configuration.
In Florence, & ldquo; Style (style) & rdquo; menu, you can customize the keyboard style, enable /disable sound effects.
in the & ldquo; window (window) & rdquo; menu, you can adjust the keyboard background transparency, opacity key, and a control keyboard ratio, toolbars, size, and other characteristics are always top. If your desktop resolution is not very high, transparency adjustments are useful because the onscreen keyboard blocks other windows. In this example, I switched to a transparent keyboard and set the opacity to 50%.
In & ldquo; behavior (behaviour) & rdquo; menu, you can change the input method. Florence supports several different input methods: mouse, touch screen, timer, and ramble. Mouse input is the default input method. The last two input methods do not require a mouse button. The timer input triggers the button by holding the pointer on the button for a certain amount of time. The principle of walking input is similar to the timer input, but after training and smart use, it can be more quickly than the timer input.
In & ldquo; layout (layout) & rdquo; menu, you can change the keyboard layout. For example, you can extend the keyboard layout to add navigation keys, numeric keys, and function keys.
Linux is using the onscreen keyboard above method introduced by configuration and loading screen keyboard software after Florence, you can easily use the mouse to operate the screen keyboard.
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