Teach you how to install Nessus software in Kali Linux


Nessus is a system vulnerability scanning and analysis software, but Nessus installation on Kali Linux is not simple, does not provide a graphical installation excuse, the following small series will introduce you how to install Nessus on Kali Linux.

Use the w3m command to open http://www.tenable.com/products/nessus/select-your-operating-system

to select agree and jump to the download page. Do you want to download it in 32-bit or 64-bit versions yourself?

Debian 6.0 (32 bits):


Debian 6.0 (64 bits):

Nessus-5.0 .3-debian6_amd64.deb

unpacked and enter the command after download.

dpkg --unpack Nessus-5.0.3-debian6_i386.deb

ar vx Nessus-5.0.3-debian6_i386.deb

tar -xzvf data. Tar.gz

tar -xzvf control.tar.gz

After these decompressions, you have to copy the folder.

mkdir /opt

cp -Rf /tmp/opt/nessus /opt

cp -Rf /tmp/etc/init.d/nessus* /etc/init .d

/etc/init.d/nessusd start # this starts the nessus server

this last command to start the nessus

You can view that Monitored the 8834 port.

Open with a lovely browser to see installation interface out.

The above is the installation of Nessus on Kali Linux. If you need to use this software, but don't know how to install it, you can try the method described above.

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