Five improvements to Ubuntu Lucid Alpha 2 released


The Ubuntu development team today released the second Alpha beta of Ubuntu Lucid (Ubuntu 10.04), which includes the following improvements: 1. Linux kernel 2.6.32 latest GNOME Desktop Environment

2, KDE SC 4.4 RC1 integrates Plymouth completely removes Hal

3, upgrades like-open to 5.4

4, improved on nVidia Private Drive Support

5, Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) has been enhanced

Ubuntu is a Linux operating system based on desktop applications. Ubuntu is based on the Debian distribution and the GNOME desktop environment. The difference with Debian is that it releases a new version every six months. Ubuntu's goal is to provide the average user with an up-to-date, yet stable, operating system built primarily from free software. Ubuntu has a huge community power that users can easily get help from the community.

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