SQLPLUS some friendly operation settings tutorial


Using sqlplus under Linux is very uncomfortable, up and down keys, backspace keys can not be used, seriously reducing production efficiency. One day I finally found this rlwrap good thing, close-up of this document. Due to the time, you can download the installation package from here. After downloading, remove the .zip extension and pass it to the Linux server. First install some installation rpm one: install readlineOS installation CD provides the readline package. [root@oracle11g ~] # rpm -Uvh readline*error: Failed dependencies: libtermcap-devel is needed by readline-devel-5.1-1.1. I386.rpm[root@oracle11g ~]# rpm -Uvh libtermcap-devel-2.0.8-46.1.i386.rpm[root@oracle11g ~]# rpm -Uvh readline*package readline-5.1-1.1 is already installed[root@ Oracle11g ~]# rpm -Uvh readline-devel-5.1-1.1.i386.rpm II: Install rlwrap[root@oracle11g ~]# tar -zxvf rlwrap-0.30.tar.gz[root@oracle11g ~]# cd rlwrap-0.30 [root@oracle11g rlwrap-0.30]# ./configure[root@oracle11g rlwrap-0.30]# make[root@oracle11g rlwrap-0.30]# make install three: easy to use rlwrap[root@oracle11g rlwrap-0.30]# vi /home /oracle/.bash_profileAdd alias sqlplus=’rlwrap sqlplus’alias rman=’rlwrap rman’

SQL Plus under Linux can finally be used like Windows

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