Putty input Chinese tutorial


In the default state, input Chinese to putty will become … can be solved by the following methods: Select Window=>Appearance=>change&hellip in Category and set the font to Fixedsys character set to CHINESE_GB2312 and then don't forget to save If you want to change it, you have to change it every time. The main thing is to set the character set to CHINESE_GB2312.

Login with putty can not input Chinese how to solve

1, vi /etc/sysconfig/i18n2, LANG=”zh_CN.GB18030″LANGUAGE=”zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN.GB2312 :zh_CN”SUPPORTED=”zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN:zh:en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en”SYSFONT=”lat0-sun16″SYSFONTACM=”8859-15″3, save exit 4, source /etc /sysconfig/i18n5, putty Chinese support is still very good, huh, huh open the putty main program, select window->Appearance->Font settings->Change…, select the Fixedsys font, the character set selects CHINESE_GB2312. In window->Appearance->Translation, Received data is assumed to be in which character set, use Use font encoding to change to UTF-8. If you use it frequently, save these settings in the session. Now open putty, after successful login, In the shell, type: export LC_ALL=’zh_CN.utf8′, this should be possible

putty support utf-8 solution

suse suggested that users use utf8 character set, but usually The use of utf8 in term terminals under windows will cause some problems, such as putty, when using vi, some problems will occur. The following is the solution Step1: Modify the PuTTY character set to UTF-8,

window—-translation—received data assumed to be in which character set renamed utf8 and then select a Chinese font that supports UTF-8, Such as the Song Dynasty, the new Song Dynasty and so on. Step2: Modify /etc/vimrc, plus set encoding=utf-8set fileencoding=utf-8. Of course, this is all utf8 format edited under linux, if you need to convert to gbk format, You can use the following command iconv -f utf-8 -t gbk src.txt >dst.txt

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