find command fine. /-name io.h looking for io.h file in the current directory locate may not check for new changes
linux Make root file system command mkyaffsimage_2 /root_dir name
ln_create symbolic link command ln -s /from /to/from : target /to : link name
rz sz serial port send and receive data: Enter rz, then select the file to be sent in HyperTerminal: select the receiving file in HyperTerminal, select the receiving directory, and enter sz (file directory to be sent), for example: sz ./image.bmp
tar command Tar -xvjf *.tar.bz2 -C /dir-x : Extract the file from the package file -v : Output relevant information during processing -j : Call bzip2 to compress or decompress -f : Operate for normal files -C /Dir : Extract to the /dir directory, remove -C /dir to extract to the current directory tar -cvjf *.tar.bz2 /dir compressed /dir folder and name it *.tar.bz2
I. Manually compile and install 1, download the installation package, wget
In daily work or experiment, we often need to clone or migrate the virtual machine. After the migra
got a long time (about 3 days), and finally got through. At first I wanted to give up but slowly beg
Requirement scenario Using the proxy server HAProxy to load balance Mysql is a common solution. To
RS232/RS422/RS485 communication interface difference
Differential mode and common mode signal
Linux log server build (rsyslog+loganalyzer)
How to uninstall Linux system partition
Linux does not start properly. Solution
Linux forced delete non-empty directory command
Modify Linux MAC address in VMware virtual machine
How to clean up temporary files of Win10 system
What if the Win7 Task Manager does not have a process menu bar?
Teach you to repair damaged win2003 installation
A simple way to exchange NTFS and FAT32 file system
How to solve the 4201 error in the Event Log service in Win7 system?
How to delete a dual system, how to delete redundant system (a)
When the win7 system connects to the VPN, it prompts 721 error how to handle
Using the Win10 system virtual desktop function to open multi-desktop skills
Resolving Win 8's OA3.0 anti-activation cracking system
Reasons and solutions for the computer not being able to stand up