Kingate proxy server setup steps


kingate is a proxy server developed by a Chinese, supporting various protocols such as http, socks, and ftp. Support multi-threading, tcp port mapping, rule control, time control, user authentication, http management and other functions.

kingate official website:

Install the required dependencies


apt-get Install build-essential automake make gcc g++


yum install make automake gcc gcc-c++ gcc-g77

Install kingate

wget http: //

tar xzf kingate-2.2.tar.gz

cd kingate-2.2 /

./configure –prefix=/usr/local/kingate

make && make install

configuring kingate

modifying /usr /local/kingate/etc/kingate.conf is the following:

http off

ftp off

pop3 off

smtp off

telnet off

socks on

mms off

rtsp off

manage on

max 2000

Max_per_ip 0

min_free_thread 3

http_port 8082

http_accelerate off

x_forwarded_for on

http_time_out 30

ftp_port 2121

ftp_time_out 300

pop3_port 1100

pop3_time_out 300

smtp_port 2525

smtp_time_out 3 00

telnet_port 2323

telnet_time_out 300

socks_port 20120

socks_time_out 300

socks5_user off

mms_port 1755< Br>

mms_time_out 300

rtsp_port 5540

rtsp_time_out 300

manage_port 2222

manage_time_out 300

log_model user

log_level 0

log_rotate {0 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22,23 * * * }

log_close_msg on

mem_min_cache 50m

mem_max_cache 12m

disk_min_cache 20m

disk_max_cache 30m

use_disk_cache off

refresh never

refresh_time 300

user_time_out 0

mem_cache 50m

disk_cache 100m

max_deny_per_ip 0

max_queue_thread 15

min_limit_speed_size 1m

limit_speed 20k

max_request 50

total_seconds 10



insert_via off

In the above configuration, socks on means to enable the socks proxy (you can also open other types according to your own needs) Agent), socks_port 20120 represents the side of the socks agent mouth. Manage on To enable http management, manage_port 2222 is the port managed by http. It is highly recommended to modify the port number!

kingate startup and management

Download startup scripts and add permissions


mv kingate.init.d /etc/init.d/kingate

chmod +x /etc/init.d/kingate

kingate management

Starting Kingate:

/etc/init.d/kingate start

Close kingate:

/etc/init.d/kingate stop

Restart kingate:

/etc/init.d/kingate restart


Management address: http://ip:2222, if the configuration is modified, the 8822 port is modified to you. Set the port number, the default user name is root, and the password is kingate.

Join Startup

Debian Execution:

update-rc.d -f kingate defaults

CentOS Execution:

chkconfig &ndash ;level 345 kingate on

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