Description of Requirement
compile and install MySQL, PHP
, and Apache to work
a. The process of compiling PHP, add & ldquo ; & ndash; enable-socket & rdquo;, & ldquo; & ndash; enable-mbstring & rdquo;.. support
b set password
c for the root user MySQL database written in PHP test page to verify that LAMP can work
deploy Web applications
a server. installation Discuz! Forum program, providing communication and customer service platform
b. PhpMyAdmin package is installed, through Web interface to manage MySQL database
1. Install MYSQL
1. Adding MySQL users and groups
a) useradd -M -s /sbin /nologin mysql
2. MySQL release package
preconfigured for compilation
b) ./configure –prefix=/usr/local/mysql
4. Compile and install
c) make && make install
5. configuration MYSQL
1 disposed MySQL program execution path
[root @ ns1 mysql] # export pATH = $ pATH:. /usr /local /mysql /bin
2 after the installation and adjustment & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash ;——– [root@ns1 mysql-5.0.56]# cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf //Create configuration file
[root@ns1 mysql -5.0.56]# cd /usr/local/mysql/
[root@ns1 mysql]# mysql_install_db –user=mysql //Initialize MYSQL
[root@ns1 mysql]# chow n -R root.mysql /usr/local/mysql///Modify MYSQL permissions
[root@ns1 mysql]# chown -R mysql /usr/local/mysql/var
[root @ ns1 mysql] # vi /etc/ //modify MYSQL profile
& hellip; & hellip;
/usr /local /mysql /lib /mysql
[root @ ns1 mysql] # ldconfig //brush type configuration & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash ; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & ndash; below:
(additional: MYSQL start service)
& mdash; & mdash ; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & ndash; [ ,null,null,0],Root@ns1 mysql]# cd /usr/src/mysql-5.0.56/
[root@ns1 mysql-5.0.56]# cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/Mysqld
[root@ns1 mysql-5.0.56]# chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysqld
[root@ns1 mysql-5.0.56]# chkconfig –add mysqld
[root @ ns1 my sql-5.0.56] # chkconfig mysqld on
& mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; & mdash; ————————– as shown below:
3. Start MYSQL
4 . Add database (forum database)
#ls -l | Wc -l Note: The total usage also takes 1 row, so the statistics are 14 instead of 13 Other
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