Compile the previous project error solution after IAR upgrade


To open a previously compiled normal project (created with IAR5.5), the following error is reported during compilation (currently using IAR6.3):

Error[Pe147]: declaration is incompatible with " ;__interwork __softfp unsigned long __get_PSP(void)" (declared at line 52 of "C:\\Program Files\\IAR C:\\Libraries\\CMSIS\\CM3\\CoreSupport\\core_cm3.h

As shown below :

The solution is as follows:

1.Check the "Use CMSIS" option from

Project options > General Options > Library Configuration :

As shown below,
Use CMSIS option

2.Remove all CMSIS header files from your project by removing:

“$PROJ_DIR$\\.. \\..\\..\\Libraries\\CMSIS\\CM3\\CoreSupport” from [Project>Options>C/C++ Compiler>Preprocessor]

Before modifying:

After the modification:

Recompile, OK
IAR Compile OK

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