tcpdump command line mode, its command format is: tcpdump[-adeflnNOpqStvx] [-c quantity] [-F file name] [-i network interface] [-r file Name] [ -s snaplen ] [ -T type] [ -w filename] [expression]
-a converts the network address and broadcast address to a name; -d matches the code of the packet to people The comprehensible assembly format is given; -dd gives the code matching the packet in the format of the c language block; -ddd gives the code matching the packet in decimal form; -e prints the data chain on the output line Header information of the road layer; -f prints the external Internet address as a number; -l makes the standard output a buffer line; -n does not convert the network address to a name; -t does not output every line Print timestamp; -v Output a slightly detailed information, such as ttl and service type information in the ip package; -vv output detailed message information; -c tcpdump will stop after receiving the specified number of packets; -F from Reads the expression in the specified file, ignoring other expressions; -i specifies the network interface to listen to; -r reads the package from the specified file (these packages are generally generated by the -w option); -w writes the package directly It is not parsed and printed in the file; -T interprets the intercepted packet as a packet of the specified type. Common types are rpc (remote procedure call) and snmp (simple network management protocol;)
1. If you want to grab the eth0 package, the command format is as follows:
tcpdump -i eth0 -w /tmp/eth0.cap
2 If you want to grab the package, the command format is as follows:
tcpdump -i etho host -w /tmp/temp.cap
3, if you want to grab ICMP package, command format such as :
tcpdump -i etho host and icmp -w /tmp/icmp.cap
4, if you want to capture other than ports 10000, 10001, 10002 Package, the command format is as follows:
tcpdump -i etho host and ! port 10000 and ! port 10001 and ! port 10002 -w /tmp/port.cap
5, if you want Grab the vlan 1 package, the command format is as follows:
tcpdump -i eth0 port 80 and vlan 1 -w /tmp/vlan.cap
6, if you want to grab the pppoe password, the command format As follows:
tcpdump -i eht0 pppoes -w /tmp/pppoe.cap
7, if you want to grab the eth0 package, grab 10000 packets and exit, the command format is as follows:
tcpdump -i eth0 -c 10000 -w /tmp/temp.cap
8. In the background, grab the eth0 packet on port 80. The command format is as follows:
nohup tcpdump - i eth0 port 80 -w /tmp/temp.cap &
#################################################################### Your own command::tcpdump -i eth0 -w /tmp/eth0.cap -s0 Otherwise the package is not complete, no content
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