Squid is compressed once in the default of 5 days, and is set in /etc/logrotate.d/squid. If you change the location of the log,
Please modify /etc/logrotate.d/squid
/home/log/squid/access.log {weeklyrotate 5copytruncatecompressnotifemptymissingok}/home/log/squid /cache.log {weeklyrotate 5copytruncatecompressnotifemptymissingok}
/home/log/squid/store.log {weeklyrotate 5copytruncatecompressnotifemptymissingok# This script asks squid to rotate its logs on its own.# Restarting squid is a long process and it is Not worth# doing it just to rotate logspostrotate/usr/sbin/squid -k rotateendscript}
First modify squid.conf
logfile_rotate 3 (retain several logs)
Modify /etc/crontab
0 0 * * * squid /home/squid/sbin/squid -k rotate
(compressed once a day)
crontab /etc/crontab (crontab effective)
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