tcpdump is a Sniffer tool, which is actually a packet capture tool on the network, and can also analyze the captured packets. The general system is installed by default. For related introductions and installation instructions, see: Installation and use of Tcpdump. Tcpdump command description: tcpdump adopts command line mode, its command format is: tcpdump [ -adeflnNOpqStvx ] [ -c quantity] [ -F file name][ -i network interface] [ -r file name] [ -s snaplen ][ ,null,null,3],-T type] [-w filename] [expression] tcpdump options: -a converts the network address and broadcast address into a name; -d gives the matching packet code in an assembly format that people can understand;- Dd gives the code matching the packet in the format of the c language block; -ddd gives the code matching the packet in decimal form; -e prints the header information of the data link layer on the output line; -f Print the external Internet address as a number; -l make the standard output a buffer line; -n not convert the network address to a name; -t does not print a timestamp on each line of the output; -v outputs a slightly Detailed information, such as ttl and service type information in the ip package; -vv output detailed message information; -c After the number of packages, tcpdump will stop; -F reads the expression from the specified file, ignoring other expressions; -i specifies the network interface to listen to; -r reads the package from the specified file (these packages) Usually generated by the -w option); -w directly writes the package to the file, does not analyze and print it out; -T interprets the intercepted packet directly as a specified type of message, the common type is rpc (remote process Call) and snmp (Simple Network Management Protocol;)-s Set the packet size limit. The default packet size is limited to 96 BYTE (including Ethernet frames). Modify the parameter to: -s 0. 0 to ignore the size limit of the packet, and grab the actual length of the packet. Example: tcpdump -vv tcp port 5270 -c 100 -s 1500 -w /opt/sniffer.pack
The command parameter for tcpdump capture to file is -w xxx.cap grab eth1 package tcpdump - i eth1 -w /tmp/xxx.cap
Catch package tcpdump -i eth1 host -w /tmp/xxx.cap
Catch of 80 Port package tcpdump -i eth1 host and port 80 -w /tmp/xxx.cap
Catch icmp package tcpdump -i eth1 host and icmp -w /tmp /xxx.cap
Catch the port 80 and other ports other than 110 and 25 tcpdump -i eth1 host and ! port 80 and ! port 25 and ! port 110 -w /Tmp/xxx.cap
Catch vlan 1 package tcpdump -i eth1 port 80 and vlan 1 -w /tmp/xxx.cap
Catch pppoe password tcpdump -i eth1 pppoes -w /tmp/xxx.cap
Split files in 100m size, open another file over 100m-C 100m
Catch 10000 packages and exit -c 10000
Backstage Packet capture, console exit will not affect: nohup tcpdump -i eth1 port 110 -w /tmp/xxx.cap &
The file can be opened directly with ethereal or wireshark. Wireshark is the new version of ethereal, the program changed its name, haha.
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