Linux system information view command


# uname -a #View kernel/operating system/CPU information

# head -n 1 /etc/issue #View operating system version

# cat /proc /cpuinfo #View CPU Information

# hostname #View Computer Name

# lspci -tv #List all PCI devices

# lsusb -tv #List all USB devices

# lsmod #Listing loaded kernel modules

# env #Viewing environment variables


# free -m #Viewing memory usage and Swap area usage

# df -h #View partition usage

# du -sh <directory name> #View the size of the specified directory

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo #View the total amount of memory

# grep MemFree /proc/meminfo #View the amount of free memory

# uptime #View the system running time, number of users, load

# cat /proc/loadavg #View system load

Disks and partitions

# mount

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