Linux system to refresh the motherboard BIOS method


Linux operating system, no Trojans, viruses, everything is perfect. But when you need to refresh the motherboard BIOS to support some new hardware, because hardware vendors usually only provide a refresh method under DOS, this is a problem. Don't panic, now this problem is very easy to solve...

Step 1: Download the FreeDOS boot floppy image file

FreeDOS(, one DOS compatible operating system, it does not require any DOS version support. All you have to do is have the FreeDOS kernel and the associated boot floppy image file. Fortunately, there is a related boot floppy image file available on the FDOS website ( At the end of this article there is a local link to the file. After the download is complete, extract the image file:

gunzip FDOEM.144.gz

Step 2: Copy

This step requires the kernel to support the vfat and loop filesystems, or it can be run as a module. In the second case, you can load the module in the following way:

modprobe vfat
modprobe loop

Confirm that the two file systems are now supported under /proc/fileystems. For good, you need to mount the floppy image file to a temporary directory:

mkdir /tmp/floppy
mount -t vfat -o loop FDOEM.144 /tmp/floppy

If the mount is successful, copy the BIOS update tool and the new BIOS file to the directory you just mounted. You may need to extract the archive files downloaded from the motherboard manufacturer's website. After unzipping, there are two files. The following is my decompressed motherboard BIOS file (of course, the file name is different):

# unzip 775Dual-VSTA\\(2.60\\).zip
Archive: 775Dual-VSTA(2.60).zip
inflating: 75DVSTA2.60
inflating: ASRflash.exe
# cp 75DVSTA2.60 ASRflash.exe /tmp/floppy

Go to the directory and look at it, these two files are not too big:

Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
1424 990 434 70% /tmp/floppy
Finally, uninstall the floppy image file

umount /tmp/floppy

Step 3: Burn a bootable CD/DVD for a simulated floppy drive

This step is to burn the floppy image file to CD/DVD media, but Make sure it is bootable. Let's make a CD image file that can be indexed and burn it.

mkisofs -o bootcd.iso -b FDOEM.144 FDOEM.144
cdrecord -v bootcd.iso

Step 4: Restart, flash the BIOS, then Restart

Warning: Be prepared before refreshing the BIOS.

Attachment Size
FDOEM.144.gz 107.22 KB

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