Linux system to identify file types File Commands

We know that Linux file system is one of the basic functions of the Linux kernel supported by the root /cascade structure began to form an inverted tree down.

files and directories are the two basic elements of Linux file system (generalized) file is divided into ordinary files, directories, files, documents, and special connection files. The file command can be used to identify various file types.

Application example:

[root] #file ~ /.bashrc

/home/b/j/console/.bashrc: ASCII text

[root] #file /usr /bin /passwd

/usr /bin /passwd: setuid ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU /Linux 2.6.9 , dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU /Linux 2.6.9, stripped

[root] #file /usr/lib/python2.4/test/185test.db

/usr /lib /python2.4 /test /185test.db: Berkeley DB 1.85 (Hash, version 2, big-endian)
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