RedHat configuration image media is yum source



The application is deployed into the virtual pool, and the virtual machine is missing the gcc compilation environment and telnet remote service.


It is recommended to configure the yum source for future installation of other missing services of the virtual machine.

Operation Process
Please log in to the root installation user in the /media directory by the VM administrator. Locate the rhel-source.repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/directory.

 cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ modify the file, add a mirror under the media is a new yum sources, and enable

 vim rhel-source.repo 

4. Add command whether yum yum list view & lt ;? Wai source success & # 65533; " http: //" target = " _blank " class = " keylink " & gt; vcD4KCjxwPjUueXVt1LTF5NbDs8m5prrzo6y9 + NDQsLLXsDwvcD4KCjxwcmUgY2xhc3M9 " brush: java; " & gt; yum & ndash; y install gcc * yum & ndash; y install telnet *

6. Run the following commands, start the telnet service

 service xinetd start 

7. compile and test procedures telnet test

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