Linux network based routing DHCP configuration


DHCP transmission principle:

1: Client uses physical broadcast FF: FF: FF: FF: FF: FF and IP broadcast

2: When DNS router accepts To the broadcast packet, the same physical broadcast and IP broadcast are used to respond, and the data frame contains the assigned address information.

3: The client receives the data frame containing the assigned address information and responds again using physical broadcast and IP broadcast. Admit the address information to all other hosts.

4: The DNS router accepts the response from the client, broadcasts again to confirm the address of the client, and announces all other hosts, and the client dynamically allocates successfully from it.

DHCP configuration steps for routers

1: Enter configure terminal mode, service dhcp (start dhcp service)

2: ip dhcp pool pool_name (determine the network to be dynamically assigned) Pool)

3:network ABCD net_mask (network segment allocated by dynamic host)

4:default_gatway ABCD (configuration of assigned gateway address)

5:dns_server ABCD (configuration Assigned DNS)

Relay DHCP Service Router Configuration

1: In the relay router's port to be DHCP serviced, the trunk mode is enabled.

2: Enter ip helper_address A.B.C.D (The IP address here is the address of the DHCP router)

3: Configure the dynamic allocation pool according to the DHCP configuration procedure.

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