/bin : is the abbreviation of binary, this directory is a customary Unix system, storing the most frequently used commands by users. Such as: ls, cp, cat and so on.
/boot: This is the core file used to start Linux.
/dev : is the abbreviation of device. This directory is any Linux external device, its function is similar to .sys under Dos and .vxd under Win. Devices and documents are accessed in the same way in Linux. For example: /dev/hda represents the first physical IDE hard drive.
/etc: This directory is used to store any configuration files and subdirectories required for system administration.
/home: User home directory, for example, there is a user called sina, then his home directory is /home/sina, let's take a nap here. You should understand now, when we visit some personal pages . For example: http://www.sina.com/sina, sina means to access the user's home directory of the user sina in the site. If the operating system of this website is Linux, it means /home/sina.
/lib : This directory contains the most basic dynamic link shared library of the system, which is similar to the .dll file in Windows. These shared libraries are needed for almost any application.
/lost+found: This directory is usually empty. When the system is not shut down properly, it becomes a refuge for homeless documents. A bit similar to the .chk documentation under Dos.
/mnt : This directory is empty. The system provides this directory for users to temporarily mount other file systems.
/proc : This directory is a virtual directory, which is a mapping of system memory. We can access system information by directly accessing this directory. The contents of this directory are not on the hard disk but in memory.
/root : The system administrator, also known as the root user home directory.
/sbin :s is the meaning of Super User, which means that there are some system management programs used by system administrators.
/tmp : This directory does not need to be said, it must be used to store some temporary documents.
/var : This directory contains the things that are constantly expanding. In order to keep the /usr relatively stable, the directories that are often modified can be placed in this directory. In fact, many system administrators It is done like this. The system's log files are in the /var/log directory.
/usr : The extension of the base directory, many directories are the same as the root directory. Almost all of the applications we use are stored in this directory. Specifically:
/usr/X11R6 : Store the X-Windows directory.
/usr/bin : Stores many applications.
/usr/sbin : Some hypervisors for the superuser (root) are placed here.
/usr/doc : This is the base of Linux documentation.
/usr/include : The header files needed to develop and compile applications under Linux are found here.
/usr/lib: Some commonly used dynamic link shared libraries and static archives.
/usr/local : This is the /usr directory for general users. It is best to install software here.
/usr/Man: is the help documentation directory.
/usr/src : Linux open source code, this directory exists.
Some linux defaults do not install source code, you need to manually install. The installation method is described in another article: http://blog.csdn.net/wangyuling1234567890/article/details/21344571
/usr/local/bin : locally added commands
/usr/local/lib : locally added library root file system
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