Monitoring the performance of the WIndows server. It is recommended to use the SNMP method, but the configuration is cumbersome. It would be more convenient to use the NSCLIENT++ plugin, provided that the plugin needs to be installed on the specific monitored server. In the unlikely event that the application that affects the server itself is not good. So, I have been looking for SNMP ways to monitor Windows servers.
1, add the script as follows:
cat /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/!/usr/bin/perl## syntax: HOST COMMUNITY WARN CRIT ## returns average load % across all CPUs#
use strict;use Net::SNMP;
my $host = shift;my $community = shift;my $warn = shift;my $crit = shift;
unless($crit) {errorExit("syntax: HOST COMMUNITY WARN CRIT");}
our %ERRORS = (OK => 0 , WARNING => 1, CRITICAL => 2, UNKNOWN => 3, DEPENDENT => 4);
my $oidCpuTable='.' ;
# get SNMP session objectmy ($snmp, $err) = Net::SNMP->session(-hostname => $host,-community => $community,-port => 161,-version => 1); errorExit( $err ) unless (defined($snmp));
# get cpu load tablemy $response = $snmp->get_table(-baseoid => $oidCpuTable);errorExit( "error getting cpu table" ) unless $response;my %value = %{$response};$snmp->close();
my $cnt = 0;my $sum = 0;foreach my $load ( values %value ){$cnt += 1;$sum += $load;};my $pct = int ($sum /$cnt);
my $err = ($pct > $crit) ? 'CRITICAL' : ($pct > $warn) ? 'WARNING' : 'OK';print "$err : CPU Load $pct%\ ";exit $ERRORS{$ Err};
sub errorExit {my $msg = shift;print "UNKNOWN: $msg\ ";exit $ERRORS{UNKNOWN};}
2, define the corresponding execution command :
cat mysnmp.cfgdefine command{command_name snmp_win_cpucommand_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ '$HOSTADDRESS$' public 80 90}
3, New Service Profile: < Br>
cat service.cfgdefine service {host_name jw-insideservice_description CPUcheck_command snmp_win_cpuuse generic-service}
4, create a new host file: define host {host_name jw-insidealias jw-insideaddress generic-hosticon_image Vendors/windowsxp.pngicon_image_alt jw-inside-servervrml_image vendors/windowsxp.pngstatusmap_image vendors/windowsxp.png }
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