Who is the developer of Q1 Linux? A: Finnish college students What is the common kernel version of Linus Torvalds Q2 Linux? A: What are the hardware platforms that 2.6.x Q3 Linux can run? A: Dell, IBM, HP, Oracle and VERITAS Q4: What year was the Linux 1.0 release? A: The official Linux kernel was released in 1994. What is the role of the Q5 swap partition? A: used to do virtual memory, similar to the WINDOWS page file Q6 Linux boot loading method? A: What kind of Linux version is the common GRUB LILO Q7 Ext2 ext3 file system? A EXT2 is the common file system before red hat linux 7.2. The current version usually uses EXT3 file system Q8. How to clear MBR after uninstalling Linux A: Use FDISK command Can delete MBR Q9 Linux restart and shutdown command What is A:halt command function: shutdown format: halt [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-p] Description: If the system If the runlevel is 0 or 6, the system is shut down, otherwise the shutdown command (plus the -h parameter) is used instead of the init command function: change the system runlevel format: init [0123456Ss] Description: init is the parent of all processes Parent, the start must start from this command (you can use ps -aux to see the first trip is init), and refer to the /etc/inittab file to complete the boot process, a total of eight execution levels (runlevel ), and the change can only be changed by the command of telinit: 0 The boot execution level is 0, used to close System 1 boot execution level is 1 for single user mode 5 Boot execution level is 5, indicating mode 6 when entering X window. Boot execution level is 6 for restarting S or s is not direct Used, used in conjunction with boot execution level 1, when adding S or s means not referring to /etc/inittab file after booting 235 Please refer to /etc/inittab file contents and /etc/rc.d/rc2.d, /etc /rc.d/rc3.d, /etc/rc.d/rc5.d, etc. directory reboot command function: restart system format: reboot [-n] [-w] [-d] [-f] [-i] Note: If the system's runlevel is 0 or 6, re-boot, otherwise replace the parameter with the shutdown command (plus the -r parameter): -n : Do not write the memory data back to the hard disk before rebooting -w : It doesn't really restart, just write the record to the /var/log/wtmp file -d : don't write the record to the /var/log/wtmp file (-n this parameter contains -d) -f : Forced to reboot, do not call shutdown this command -i : Before the first reboot all network-related devices to stop example: reboot reboot. Reboot -w Make a reboot simulation (only the record does not really reboot). Shutdown command function: Shut down the system usage: shutdown [-t seconds] [-rkhncfF] time [message] Description: shutdown can be used to shut down the program, and send a message to all users to execute the program before shutting down, shutdown also Can be used to reboot. Parameters: -t seconds : Set the shutdown program after a few seconds -k : It does not really shut down, just send the warning message to all users -r : Reboot after shutdown -h : Stop after shutdown - n : Do not use the normal program to shut down, use the forced method to kill all the running programs and then shut down automatically -c : Cancel the current shutdown action -f : Do not do fcsk action when shutting down (check the Linux file system) -F : Forcing fsck action when shutting down time : Setting the time of shutdown message : Warning message sent to all users