Source loadpref ID: 1000 The performance counter of the WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) service has been successfully loaded. The record data contains the new index value assigned to this service. Source: loadpref ID: 1001 The performance counter for the WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) service has been successfully deleted. The log data contains a counter on the system and the new value of the previous "help" registry entry. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- This error is due to a race issue when processing the counter list. When LoadPerf.dll reads the index value of the last counter and other counters are added, the index value of the new counter is larger than the index value of the last counter. Therefore, LoadPerf.dll thinks that the counter value is incorrect and records the next time. Event log. Because LoadPerf.dll will retry after successfully encountering this error and successfully read the new counter, this error will not be affected by the use after retrying. The solution is to type: lodctr /r at the command prompt to automatically rebuild the performance counter string table performance counter information is saved in the following location: Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\Current Version\\Perflib\\009 System Folder 2 files in: %Systemroot%\\System32\\Perfc009.dat and %Systemroot%\\System32\\Perfh009.dat Rebuild the counter values as follows: Put two files in the system installation disk: DriveLetter:\\i386\\perfc009.da_ and DriveLetter:\\i386\\perfh009.da_ expand to Perfc009.dat and Perfh009.dat respectively (DriveLetter stands for system installation drive letter), then copy it to the system folder %Systemroot%\\System32\\ and replace the original 2 files. . The command format for expanding the file is: expand perfc009.da_ Perfc009.dat. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Perflib. Modify the two subkey values, LastCounter to decimal 1846, and LastHelp to decimal 1847. Then locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services item. Find all the performance subkeys. If the performance subkey contains the following key values, delete: FirstCounterFirstHelpLastCounterLastHelp to do the above work, then re-add the performance counter value: 1. Open a command prompt window. 2. Transfer to the system folder by entering the cd %Systemroot%\\System32 command. 3. Find all the drivers that need to be loaded by the findstr drivername *.ini command. 4. Make a note of the list of found ini files. 5. Then reload all found ini files with the loadctr inifile command. 6. Finally restart the computer ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- This problem has plagued many administrators, and the error causes the server to restart automatically. Problem Description: Server Event Viewer - The following error occurs in the system when the Performance Extended Counter Provider is corrupted in the performance string in the performance registry value. The BaseIndex value in the performance registry is the first DWORD value in the data section, the LastCounter value is the second DWORD value in the data section, and the LastHelp value is the third DWORD value in the data section. Failed to uninstall performance counter string for service WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl). The error code is the first DWORD value in the data section. The Counters index range for the service SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Serv-U-Counters\\Performance has been corrupted. The first DWORD value in the data section contains the first index used, and the second DWORD value in the data section contains the last index used. Failed to install performance counter string for service Serv-U-Counters (%2). The error code is the first DWORD value in the data section. Solution: Step 1: Start & rdquo; Start & rdquo; -- Run & rdquo; Enter cmd to dos command line mode to run in command line mode: Lodctr /rlodctr /r This command rebuilds the performance counter string in the registry Table 2: Confirm whether serv-u is installed with regedit to open the registry to find the key: SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Serv-U-Counters\\Performance to see if his subkeys First Counter and Last Counter exist, whether the data is irregular When it is found that there is no data or the data is abnormal, upgrade the serv-u software to the latest version, check again, and find that the missing keys and corresponding values are automatically completed. Step 3, if you have gone through 1, 2 steps, still solve the problem in the future. Problem, you can check the heat dissipation problem of the machine. If the machine cpu fan, the internal cooling fan of the chassis, the graphics card fan can not work normally, it may also cause the machine to restart frequently. The problem here is fixed.