PHP: (1) After downloading, get php and extract it to C:\\php (optional).
(2) Copy all the dll files in the C:\\php directory (mainly the dll files under C:\\php\\ext) to c:\\Windows\\system32 and overwrite the existing dll files.
(3) Copy the php.exe, php-win.exe and php.ini-dist files in the C:\\PHP directory to C:\\Windows; rename php.ini-dist to php. Ini, then modify the following part:
register_globals = Off
change Off to On; extension_dir =
point its path to the ext directory in your PHP directory, eg extension_dir = "C:\\php \\ext" ;;Windows Extensions (required items to remove the previous; number)
;extension=php_gd2.dll support GD library
;extension=php_mbstring.dll not use PHPMyAadmin will give a red tip
;extension =php_mssql.dll supports MSSQL
;extension=php_mysql.dll supports MYSQL (4) Configure IIS to support PHP. PHP supports both CGI and ISAPI installation modes, and ISAPI mode is recommended. In the "Administrative Tools" of "Control Panel", select "Internet Service Manager", open IIS and stop the service, then right click on the "Web site you need to support PHP" on the left side, such as "Default Web Site", select " Properties, found in the "ISAPI Filters" tab of the "Web Site Properties" window that opens and click the "Add" button. In the "Filter Name" window of the pop-up "Filter Properties" window, type: PHP. Then point the executable to the path where php5isapi.dll is located, for example: C:\\php\\php5isapi.dll. Open the "Main Directory" tab of the "Web Site Properties" window, find and click the "Configure" button, find and click the "Add" button in the pop-up "Application Configuration" window, and add a new extension in the pop-up window. Map, the extension is .php, click "Browse" to point the executable file to the path of php5isapi.dll, such as: C:\\php\\php5isapi.dll, and then OK. Open the "Documents" tab of the "Web Site Properties" window, locate and click the "Add" button to add the index.php item to the list of default Web site startup documents. You can raise index.php to the highest priority so that when you visit a site, you first automatically find and open the index.php document. Open the "WEB Service Extension" setting on the left side of the "Internet Service Manager":
ISAPI Extension Allow
Active Server Pages Allow settings, restart IIS.
(5) test configuration results in the IIS root directory to create a new phpinfo.php, the content is as follows: <?php
phpinfo ();
?> Open the browser, enter: http://Localhost/phpinfo.php will display all the information about the PHP supported by the current server.