The network print server keeps the printer and host in a physical location and can be anywhere in the LAN. And a host can hang multiple printers, which can be distributed in different departments as the application needs. Currently, in the business processing system of the financial industry, network printer servers are used, and these applications are mostly based on the TCP/IP protocol. The network print server is more common with Intel, Delink, ZOT and other brands. The following is an example of how to install and configure a network print server in a UNIX system using an Intel network print server as an example.
1. Configure the IP address
network print server's IP address can be configured in Windows, you can also configure a UNIX system, hereinafter described.
(1) in Windows
general network print server has a random configuration management software installation disk. Run the SETUP.EXE program on the installation disk in Windows, install the management software, and then run the management software. After startup, it will automatically search the network print server on the LAN, and then list the results.
Click the network print server you want to configure, then click “Configuration” on the main menu, select “TCP/IP and SNMP” in the drop-down box that appears, and the configuration window will pop up.
Select "Specify an IP Address" to specify an IP address and subnet mask for it. If the application requires remote printing, you can also configure the gateway address.
(2) Root user to log on UNIX systems in UNIX
, assign IP addresses to the network print server with the following command: arp -s
wherein MAC_address from the network print server The label on the back or the test page printed by pressing the test button is available. This address looks like this: 00:A0:C9:1E:5D:B8:04. After setting it up, Ping will test it. After
2. adjust the basic parameters
set the IP address, you can use the telnet command to log in to adjust some basic parameters on network print server, such as the high-speed printer port rate adjusted, modified again IP address, modify management password, configure gateway, and more. After adjusting the parameters, the print server will generally ask whether to save the changes, and then automatically restart to make the new configuration take effect. 3. Installation Configuration
find Proinstall UNIX system configuration program installed in the CD-ROM network print server, the configuration can be accomplished by the following steps.
(1) Root user to log on to the UNIX system
sure the CD installation directory already, can be viewed with ls -l /cdrom /npcdrom. If not, it can be generated with mkdir -p /cdrom/npcdrom.
(2) Put the CD into the CD-ROM. If it does not automatically mount Mount, use the following command
HP-UX mount -t cdfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c1d1s0 /cdrom/npcdrom < BR>SCO mount -f ISO9660 -o ro,lower /dev/cd0 /cdrom/npcdrom Solaris 2.x mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/npcdrom
SunOS 4.1.3 mount -t Hsfs -o ro /dev/sr0 /cdrom/npcdrom
UnixWare mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/c0b0t2l0 /cdrom
/npcdrom AIX mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /cdrom/Npcdrom
(3) Enter the command from the UNIX directory on the CD
sh ProSetup to extract the ProInstall and related programs from the eznpunix.tar file to the /usr/intl directory.
(4) Enter the /usr/intl directory, enter the command ./proinstall, and then follow the prompts to install the configuration. In this process, the system will ask for the IP address of the print server and the name of the printer, and then the file can be printed using the print command provided by the system.
Delink, ZOT network print server does not provide the installation program under UNIX, you can directly use the mkdev rlp command of the UNIX system to step through the configuration.
4.Configuration principle
Configure the configuration file of the printer in UNIX system is /etc/printcap. After the configuration of Intel network print server, the corresponding configuration line format in this file is as follows:
##### NetportExpress PRO printer #####
Printer1 Printer1 Printer1-on-parallel-port-1:
Delink, ZOT network print server configuration corresponding configuration line format is as follows:
: lp =: rm = rp =lp1:sd=/usr/spool/lpd/lp1:
The corresponding character device can be found in the /dev directory as follows:
crw------- 1 bin bin 6, 1 Jan 21 1999 /dev/lp1
crw------- 1 root sys 4, 2 Apr 24 16:09 /dev/Printer1
The waiting process for the print service is /usr/lib/lpd, The command ps -ef grep lpd can be viewed as follows:
root 322 1 0 Apr-08 ? 00:00:00 /usr/lib/lpd
5.Configuration experience
(1) During the installation and configuration process, not necessarily one Secondary configuration is successful. If the configuration is unsuccessful, it is recommended to delete the printer and reinstall it. It is generally not recommended to manually modify or delete the above files or restart the print service process. However, in some cases, you must manually modify and delete the above files. If the printer Printer1 is deleted by SCOADMIN, the system will not automatically delete the corresponding two files. Therefore, if you want to use the printer1 name during reconfiguration, you must first delete the corresponding character file in the device directory with the command rm /dev/Printer1. . If another IP wants to use this printer name, it is necessary to delete the corresponding lines in the /etc/printcap file. Otherwise, the system will add the configuration description of the printer on another IP to the old description, and then when calling this printer, the system will first find the matching printer name in the old description in the /etc/printcap file. Send the packet to the old IP, causing an error.
(2) when the thermal switch based on some SCO Open Server 5.0x Caozuojitong the hot standby system to the standby machine occurs in the host (or vice versa), the preparation machine often can not recognize the network print server This will cause the task of printing to the network print server to accumulate on the standby system. At this time, the network print server can be restarted and the standby system can be re-identified.
(3) Delink, printing a network print server device name ZOT UNIX systems shall be taken when configuring consistent with the printer port name on the network print server is configured not succeed. It is recommended that after configuring the IP address, telnet to the network print server and write down the device name of the print port to be configured.
(4) Most network print servers only process data streams, and do not provide automatic page-change functions. If the printer is required to automatically wrap a report or a message, it is necessary to add a line of commands to the printer after the shell of the printer in the UNIX system to output a newline to the printer to achieve the purpose of automatically wrapping after printing. The general printer's newline character is 0CH or 12D, which is represented as (CTRL+v) (CTRL+l) in UNIX systems and looks like "^L" after input.