Broadband connection is a networking method we used many years ago. We can only surf the Internet through broadband connections. Although there are not many people using broadband connections, there are still quite a few that are in use. Many users who use broadband connections often find that the window that is connected locally after booting up will be slow, or that the local connection will be slow after booting. Don't worry, next, Xiaobian will come to you to talk about these two situations. What should I do? The local connection window appears slow after booting. If you are automatically assigning an IP address via DHCP, you can try to set a fixed IP. However, this may cause an IP address conflict. If an IP address conflict occurs, reset one. Just fine. Setting method: Network Neighborhood & mdash; & mdash; attribute & mdash; & mdash; TCP /IP settings can be. If you are using ADSL dial-up, you can set the fixed IP to The most reliable solution: Open the My Computer & mdash;—Control Panel——Management Tools—— service when Windows starts to wait for the network connection, there will be process status as "Start" & rdquo; Generally divided into started and stopped). This shows that this process is starting, here is the root cause of the problem. Set it to manual or disable (these processes are generally not critical processes). After the boot, the local connection speed is slow. 1. Virus problem 2. The network line you are connected to. For example, the network line may be aging, and the router or asdl cat may be damaged. 3. After the boot, the broadband connection is slow, and the boot entry is too much, causing the broadband connection to be slow. 4. The problem of the broadband connection setting. The DHCPClient service of WindowsXP will assign an IP address to the network card when the computer is turned on, so the connection is slow. The solution is to solve the problem 1: upgrade the anti-virus software, and scan and kill the whole file to ensure that there are no virus Trojans on the computer. For question 2: Check if the hardware device connected to the network is reliable, if the cat indicator light flashes normally, if there is a router, please try to restart the router. For question 3: In the [Start] menu, [All Programs], expand the startup folder, delete the unnecessary startup items, and then run the [msconfig] command to switch to the [Startup] tab, which will start unnecessary. The item is removed. For question 4: In [Control Panel] → [Network Connection], right click on the [Local Area Connection] icon, and select the [Properties] command from the pop-up menu. In the [General] tab list of the pop-up Properties window, double-click [Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)]. Select the [Use the following IP address] option, type “” and “” in the "IP address" and "subnet mask" respectively, and then click [OK] The button makes it effective. Summary: Xiaobian introduced the relevant issues related to slow local connection after booting. The slowness here includes two cases where the window of the local connection is slow to open and the speed of the local connection is slow. You can find the problem you want to solve according to your own needs to correspond to the corresponding method. Of course, these two problems can all be solved. If you understand the reasons, you can find a corresponding solution. So next time you encounter the problem of slow local connection, don't worry too much.