How do wps text make a reflection effect? Wps font reflection effect production tutorial

wps how to make font reflection effect? This article will introduce you to how to make font reflection effects in wps. I hope everyone likes it.

1, in & ldquo; insert & rdquo; bar to find & ldquo; & rdquo ;, Insert WordArt and then enter the text you want to enter in the WordArt frame, here to & ldquo; WPS fonts reflection & rdquo; to demonstrate .

2, select the WordArt, select & ldquo; & rdquo ;, effect settings to find & ldquo; shadow effect & rdquo ;, the shadow effect is set to no shadows.

3, copy and paste the & ldquo; WPS fonts reflection & rdquo; words, then click on the & ldquo; WordArt & rdquo;, & ldquo; rotating & rdquo;, & ldquo; vertical rotating & rdquo ;, text vertical rotation.

4, right-click and select & ldquo; Format Object & rdquo ;. Then, fill the color effect. Parameters related to the fill effect: color ——“two-color" (color 1 is unchanged, color 2 is set to white), transparency ——40%, shading style ——“level”.

5, in fact, the most important step is to remove the shadow effect WordArt oh. This is the final result map:

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