Good pressure self-extracting option shortcuts and parameter settings introduction

In the process of self-extracting, if you need to add key values, you have to create a registry, you can add key values ​​according to the 2345 pressure self-extracting option, on the path, Set the key name, value, and key type. Add Key: Create Location: Select where you want to create the registry key. Parameters: Path: Fill in the detailed path location where you want to create a registry key. Key-value name: Fill in the name of the registry key you want to create. Value: Fill in the specific value you want to create the registry key value. Binary and multi-string values ​​are not supported. Key-value type: Select the type of key-value creation. This tool does not support binary and multi-string value creation. To create binary and multi-string values, please edit it manually in "Advanced Self-Extracting Program: Registry". In the good pressure software, the self-extracting module includes a self-extracting dialog box and option shortcuts as well as adding key-value settings. In the previous section, we introduced the self-extracting dialog box function. Let's take a look at the self-extracting option shortcut setting method. Self-extracting options shortcut settings to create a location: Select the location where you want to create a shortcut. Parameters: Parameter /Source File Name: The source file name of the shortcut. Parameter/Destination Folder: The folder in which the shortcut is created. If it does not exist, it will be created by the self-extracting file. Parameter/Shortcut Description: The text that describes the shortcut. Parameter/Shortcut Name: The file name of the .lnk (shortcut) file created by the self-extracting program.
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