The working principle of compressed files can be divided into volume compression, solid compression and self-decompression formats. For these three strange nouns, everyone must have a second monk can't figure it out, it doesn't matter, the following is a detailed answer for everyone. Volume Compression Introduction Volume compression is part of splitting compressed files. It supports ZIP and 7Z compressed file formats. Usually, volumetric compression is used when saving large compressed files to several disks or removable disks. Default volume naming rules: ZIP format: name.z<number>; 7Z format: name.7z.<number>; use of forum-specific volume: default is not displayed, enter value in the volume size input box After the emergence, apply to the forum upload volume, can only be opened with 2345 pressure. Forum-specific sub-volume naming rules: ZIP format: name.haozip<number>.zip; 7Z format: name.haozip<number>.7z; solid volume: the first self-extracting volume has different file extensions For example, the DOS self-extracting volume is .exe. In addition to selecting the options in the drop-down box, the split input box also supports free input size and units (KB, MB, etc.). It is impossible to add, update or delete files after the created subvolume. Unpacking the volume: To unpack the volume, you must extract it from the first volume (with a .7z or .zip extension). If a volume has a non-removable disk such as a hard disk, you must put all the volumes in the same folder before unpacking. Solid Compression Introduction Solid compressed files are compressed files stored by RAR and 7z in a special compression mode. They treat multiple or all files in a compressed file as a continuous stream. Solid compressed files only support compressed files in RAR and 7z formats. ZIP compressed files are always non-solid. RAR and 7z compressed files can be selected by the user to choose a solid or non-solid compression method. Solid compression increases compression performance, especially when adding large numbers of small files, but it also has some important disadvantages: it is slower to update existing solid compressed files; to decompress individual from solid compressed files When a file is used, the files before it must be analyzed first. This causes the file to be fetched from a solid compressed file to be slower than a normal compressed file. However, when decompressing all files from a solid compressed file, the decompression speed has no effect. If any of the files in the solid compressed file are corrupted, it is impossible to extract all the files from the scope of the damage. Therefore, please use the solid compressed file carefully and make a backup of the original file. The solid compression method is recommended when the compressed file is rarely updated; it is not necessary to extract a file or part of the file from the compressed file frequently; compression efficiency is more important than compression speed. Self-extracting format Introducing a SFX (SelF-eXtracting) self-extracting file is a type of compressed file that combines an executable file module, a module for running a file from a compressed file. Such a compressed file does not require an external program to decompress the contents of the self-extracting file, and it can run the operation itself. However, the 2345 pressure can still treat the self-extracting file as any other compressed file. So if you don't want to run the self-extracting file you received (for example, it may contain a virus), you can use the pressure to view or unzip its contents. Self-extracting files usually have the same .exe extension as other executables. Self-extracting files is handy if you want to give a compressed file to someone, but don't know if they have the compressor to extract the file. You can also use self-extracting to publish your own software. For example, the 2345 installer is created using the graphical GUI self-extracting module RC7zWinDefault.sfx.