The special replacement of Word involves some special control symbols, and many of the friends know that they don't know why. It is more difficult to bypass the class. The special replacement is profound and flexible, and the actual application that can be breeded by it may not even be expected by the Office authors. But if we can choose some living examples that everyone can use to tell them, it is easy to understand, throwing bricks and then attracting jade, readers and friends will naturally gradually understand the mystery. Office official download: In the process of editing the Word document, our most common replacement is content replacement, such as replacing "with or not" with "beautiful" , replace Englich with English and so on. These replacement methods are familiar to everyone and do not need to be explained. The important thing to emphasize here is that regardless of the normal replacement or special replacement, the path of the operation is consistent. It is best to remember to use the Ctrl+H shortcut to quickly start the “Find and Replace” window. First, the layout format replacement In the layout process, we can search, replace or delete the character format (delete format is also a special replacement, will have a special format replaced with no special format), in order to improve the layout efficiency. For example, replace the specified words or paragraphs in batches with different colors; replace paragraphs that use a certain type of font into one batch at a time; find the specified format (such as bold) and delete or change it. Case: Replace the full text of the Song font with the Yahei font, and set it to black and italic. Implementation method: execute “edit → find & rdquo; menu command (or Ctrl + F shortcut), delete all text in the "find content" box in the "find and replace" window, click &ldquo ; Format & rdquo; button (if you can't see the "Format" button, click the "Advanced" button, select the "Font" command, and then select the desired format as "Order". Select the "Show all items found in this range" checkbox to find all instances that meet the criteria, then select the part of the document in which to search by clicking in the list below it, select “ Main document & rdquo;. Click “ Find All", and all instances that satisfy the criteria are highlighted. Click the “Close" button to close the replacement window (Figure 1). Click the button on the "format" toolbar to change the format, select the font as “Ya Black", click the "Bold" button, and then click the "Tilt" button to make the changes. Applies to the highlighted text of all selected symbol conditions. Once set, click anywhere in the document to remove the highlighted text. Case: Replace the full text of the Song Dynasty character "Andy Lau" with ya black font, and set it to black and italic. Implementation method: In the "Find content" box, enter "Andy Lau" & rdquo;, the rest of the settings are the same as the above example. Second, the layout mark replacement In the ordinary document layout process, we always use special separators such as tabs, paragraph marks, page breaks, etc.; in the long document or book layout process, we often Use special separators such as page breaks and section breaks. It is often common for typographic workers to manually change one by one when encountering situations where they need to merge or change the type of separation. In fact, such changes can also be done in an alternative way. Case: A Word document that has been typeset has a disordered section. Now you need to remove the existing section breaks to re-plan the layout. Here's how: Click the “Replace” command in the “Edit” menu. In the "Find content” box, type the code ^b that represents the section break. Guaranteed “ Replace with ” box has nothing to do, if there is, please delete. Click the "Replace All" button (Figure 2). Tip: The available layout logos can be used in the "Find Content" or "Replace with" box. The layout flags are as follows: To specify a paragraph mark, type ^p (check "Use wildcards" The checkbox is not valid in the "Find content" box or type ^13. To specify a tab (or tab), type ^t or type ^9. To specify a manual line break, type ^l or type ^11. To specify a column break, type ^n or type ^14. To specify a page break or section break, type ^12 (when you replace, insert a page break). To specify a manual page break, type ^m (when the Use wildcard ” checkbox is checked, the section break will also be looked up or replaced). Third, the word form replacement If you want to rewrite an English article in the process involves different numbers, different levels of comparison, different time points to replace the problem, this will involve the singular and plural forms of some of the nouns in the article, Adjective primary, comparative, superlative batch replacement and batch replacement between various tenses of verbs. In this case, how terrible it is to manually process a long document one word at a time. In this case, a batch replacement method can also be used. Case: Substitute substitution by part of speech For example, singular and plural forms of nouns are replaced in batches: while replacing the apples involved in the article with orange, you also want to replace the apples that appear in the article with oranges. For another example, the replacement of the adjective form: while replacing the worn appearing in the essay with the better, you will also want to replace the full text of the best with the best. As another example, all temporal substitutions for verb roots: while replacing sit with stand, also want to replace the full-text sat with stood. Implementation method: Use Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H shortcut to start “ find or replace the window. If you don't see the "Find all forms of words" checkbox, click the “Advanced” button. Check the "Find various forms of words" checkbox. In the "Find content" box, type the text you want to find, such as apple, wound, and sit in the three examples above. Enter the replacement text in the "Replace with" box, as in the three examples above, orange, better, stand. Click “Find the next ”,“Replace” or “Replace All" button (Figure 3) as needed. Tip: For the replacement of the above English words, it is best to use the “replace” button instead of the "all" button to confirm the replacement so as to avoid errors. The same part of speech and tense should be used when looking up and replacing text. For example, you can search for see and replace it with observe (both are general verbs now). Fourth, the wildcard fuzzy replacement Sometimes the content we want to replace is just a specified range of content, rather than fixed content. For example, I want to replace all the content referenced within “” with a format, because the content in the article is not necessarily only one place, so the search box cannot be entered at this time. The content can only be entered in a fuzzy expression. This expression has only one character*. We can search for strings with the asterisk * wildcard, such as using s*d to find words such as sad and started, or use the “*” expression to find any Chinese standard statement containing the content of the conversation. Case: A very practical example of a unified dialogue format is that after a novel is written, the content of the novel involving the dialogue of the protagonist is set to a certain font display. For example, the content in the full-text double quotes should be set to imitation Song and bright green. Therefore, you can only use the wildcard * because the content inside each double quote is definitely different. Use Ctrl+H to start the “Find and Replace” window, switch to the “Replace” tab, and fill in “Find in Content” with “"*” (with double quotes), in “ In the ” click the mouse, then click the “Advanced" option button, select the "format” button, select the "font” command, set the font to imitation Song, bright green, and before "Use wildcards" Check the box and click the “Replace All” button (Figure 4). Tip: Check the "Use wildcards" checkbox to allow Word to only find text that exactly matches the specified text (“case sensitive” and <;full word match” checkbox will be grayed out and unavailable , indicating that these options are automatically selected and cannot be turned off). Also, to find a character that has been defined as a wildcard, type the backslash before the character. For example, to find the question mark, type \\? . Tip: The types and examples of wildcards that can be used are as follows: Type ? to match any single character. For example, s?t finds sat and set. Type * to match any string. For example, s*d can find sad and started. Type < to indicate the beginning of the matching word. For example, <inter looks for interesting and intercept, but does not find splintered. Type > to indicate the end of the matching word. For example, in> finds in and within, but does not look for interesting. Type [ ] to match one of the specified characters. For example, w[io]n looks for win and won. Typing [-] means matching any single character within the specified range. For example, [r-t]ight finds right and sight. The range must be expressed in ascending order. Type [!x-z] to match any single character outside the specified range of characters in the brackets. For example, t[!a-m]ck looks for tock and tuck, but not for tack and tick. Type {n} to match the previous character or expression that matches n repetitions. For example, fe{2}d looks for a feed but doesn't look for fed. Type {n,} to match at least n previous characters or expressions. For example, fe{1,}d looks for fed and feed. Type {n,m} to match n to m previous characters or expressions. For example, 10{1,3} looks for 10, 100, and 1000. Type @ to match more than one previous character or expression. For example, lo@t looks for lot and loot. In addition, wildcards and text can be grouped using half-width parentheses ( ) to indicate the order of processing. For example, you can find both presorted and predicted by typing “<(pre)*(ed)>”. You can use the \ wildcard to search for expressions and then replace them with reordered expressions, for example, in the "Find content" box, type (Newton) (Christie), type "\\2" in the "Replace with" box. \\1, Word will find Newton Christie and replace it with Christie Newton. This article comes from [System Home]