In daily life, when we use broadband, it is inevitable that there will be such problems, and the technicians are not likely to be on call. Sometimes it is a very simple problem. It can be solved in one or two minutes. It takes a day or two for the technician to wait until we don't know the meaning of the error code. 600 An operation is pending. 601 An invalid port handle was detected. 602 The specified port is already open. 603 Caller buffer is too small. 604 specified the wrong information. 605 Unable to set port information. 606 The specified port is not connected. 607 An invalid event was detected. 608 specified a device that does not exist. 609 specifies a device type that does not exist. 610 specified an invalid buffer. 611 specifies an unusable route. 612 specifies a route that is not assigned. 613 specified an invalid compression. 614 There is not enough free buffer. 615 The specified port could not be found. 616 An asynchronous request is pending. 617 The modem is already disconnected. 618 The specified port is not open. 619 The specified port is not connected. 620 Unable to determine the endpoint. 621 The system could not open the phone book. 622 The system was unable to load the phone book. 623 The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection. 624 The system was unable to update the phone book file. The 625 system found invalid information in the phone book. 626 Unable to load string. 627 could not find the keyword. 628 The connection was closed. The 629 connection was closed by the remote computer. 630 The modem is disconnected due to a hardware failure. 631 The user disconnected the modem. 632 An incorrect structure size was detected. 633 The modem is in use or has no dial-out configuration. 634 Your computer cannot be registered on a remote network. 635 An unknown error has occurred. 636 The device connected to the port is not the desired device. 637 A string that could not be converted was detected. 638 Request timed out. 639 Asynchronous network is not available. 640 A NetBIOS related error has occurred. 641 The server cannot allocate the NetBIOS resources required to support the client. 642 A NetBIOS name for the computer is already registered on the remote network. 643 The server-side network adapter has failed. 644 You will not be able to receive web pop-up messages. 645 An internal authentication error has occurred. 646 This account is not allowed to log in at this time. 647 This account is disabled. 648 The password for this account has expired. 649 account does not have permission to dial in. The 650 remote access server is not responding. The 651 Modem Report Error 652 has an unrecognized response from the modem. 653 The macros required by the modem are not found in the device .INF file section. The command or response in the 654 device .INF file section references an undefined macro. 655 The macro was not found in the device .INF file section. The macro in the 656 device .INF file section contains undefined macros. 657 Unable to open device .INF file. 658 Device .INF or media The device name in the .INI file is too long. 659 Media The .INI file references an unknown device name. The 660 device .INF file does not contain a response to the command. 661 Device .INF file is missing a command. 662 An attempt was made to set a macro that is not listed in the .INF file section of the device. 663 Media The .INI file references an unknown device type. 664 The system is out of memory. 665 The modem is not configured correctly. 666 Modem is not working properly. The 667 system cannot read media .INI files. 668 The connection was terminated. 669 The usage parameters in the media .INI file are invalid. The 670 system cannot read partial names from the media .INI file. 671 The system cannot read the device type from the media .INI file. 672 The system cannot read the device name from the media .INI file. 673 The system cannot read usage from the media .INI file. 674 The system cannot read the maximum connection rate (bps) from the media .INI file. The 675 system cannot read the maximum carrier connection speed from the media .INI file. 676 The phone line is busy. 677 Someone responded instead of the modem. 678 did not answer. 679 The system cannot detect the carrier. 680 There is no dial tone. 681 Modem reported a general error. 691 Access is denied because the username and/or password are not valid on this domain. 692 The modem has a hardware failure. 695 The state machine is not started. 696 The state machine has been started. 697 Response loop not completed. 699 The modem's response caused a buffer overflow.
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