Program source code
(also known as source program), refers to uncompiled text files written in accordance with a certain programming language specification. It is a human-readable computer speech command written by a developer using a specific compiler. After compiling, it is the program we use most often, "programs", "software".
In the project developed by PowerBuilder+java, the program source code can be divided into two parts, one is the front-end client source code, which is developed by PB (PowerBuilder); the other part is the background server source code. It was developed in java. Some simple functions can be implemented directly on the client. Some complex functions need to be implemented by the client to call the java method in the background. The client and background methods are called by some configuration files for association mapping.
When the program is developed, the client PB source code will be compiled into a pbd file, and the background java source code will be compiled into a jar package and a war package. After the source code of the program, you want to view the source code, you also need to install and configure the corresponding development environment, the main tool software is PB (PowerBuilder) and MyEclipse. PowerBuilder can view the client PB source code, MyEclipse can view the server side java source code.
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