Editor's note: Many people have received inexplicable bad information from MSN friends. At this time, we know that the MSN account of the friend has been stolen. In addition to picking up the phone and telling him/her, you can do one more step with — — use the account stolen report function provided by MSN to report malicious links and bad websites, and contribute to maintaining network order.
Recently, some media have selected "the worst 25 passwords of the year", such as 123456, password, iloveyou, etc., which is very consistent with MSN's repeated safety concept —— don't use too simple Passwords that are regularly followed, otherwise they are vulnerable to account theft.
There may be some users of Windows Live Messenger (MSN) who have such experience, sometimes receive inexplicable information from friends, and these friends are not online. At this time, we can basically judge that the MSN account of the friend has been stolen. If it is a familiar friend, we usually pick up the phone and tell him/her, but what if it is a friend who has not contacted for a long time and has difficulty in finding other contact methods such as telephone? ? Here to tell you a little trick — — different versions of Windows Live Messenger (MSN) currently provide account stolen reporting and bad website reporting, help friends quickly restore accounts, but also powerfully combat malicious links And bad sites.
Windows Live Messenger 2011: "Report for Account Message Disclosure"
1. Open the dialog box with your friends and swipe your mouse to the buddy's avatar to display the floating menu. The “Report is an account message leak”.
At this time, a message box pops up, click on the & ldquo; & ldquo ;, reported as suspicious silent click.
If you click & ldquo; & rdquo ;, learn more pop-up Windows Live Report page (https://support.live.com/default.aspx?productkey=wlmessengerabuse&mkt=zh-cn& St=1&wfxredirect=1) can also report fraudulent events or bad websites encountered in detail. After
2. Report successful, if reported again, repeat the pop-up message box reports, click on the & ldquo; OK & rdquo; close the message box, click on the & ldquo; For more information & rdquo; open the WindowsLive Report page (as above):
3. the system will notify the contact whose account information may have been compromised, please change your password promptly.
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