360 speed browser shortcut


You can use the shortcut keys to quickly use the browser's functions. Here are the shortcuts for the 360 ​​speed browser:

Labels and window shortcuts: Open a new window: Ctrl +N

Open a new tab: Ctrl+T

Open the incognito browsing window: Ctrl+Shift+N

Open the file: Ctrl+O

Open the link in the new tab in the background: Ctrl+click the link, the middle mouse button (or mouse wheel) click the link

Open the link in the new tab in the foreground: Ctrl+Shift+click the link, Shift+middle mouse button (or mouse wheel) Click on the link

Open the link in a new window: Shift+click on the link

Switch to the next tab: F3, Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+PgDown

Switch to the previous tab :F2, Ctrl+Shift+Tab, Ctrl+PgUp

Switch to the first tab on the tab bar: Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+8

Switch to the last tab: Ctrl+9

Close the current window: Alt+F4

Close the tab or pop-up: Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4, middle mouse button (or mouse wheel) Click on the tab

Open the closed tab: Ctrl+E, Alt+Z, Ctrl+Shift+T

Back: Backspace, Alt+←

Forward: Shift+Backspace, Alt+→

Open Home: Alt+Home

Browser Features Shortcuts: Open "Tools" Menu: Alt+F

Hide/Show Favorites :Ctrl+Shift+B

Open "History":Ctrl+H

Open "Download Content":Ctrl+J

Open "Clear Browse Data & Dialog: Ctrl+Shift+Delete

Open Task Manager: Shift+Esc

Set the focus on the browser toolbar: Shift+Alt+T

Open the developer tool: Ctrl+Shift+J

Open the help page: F1

Address bar related shortcuts: Mouse cursor to the address bar: F6 , Ctrl+L, Alt+D

Delete a history from the drop-down list prompt: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to select the entry from the address bar drop-down menu, then press Shift+Delete

Open an entry in the drop-down list prompt in the new tab in the background: middle mouse button (or mouse wheel) Click on the entry

Select the first or last entry in the drop-down list prompt: Press Page Up, Page Down

to display the address bar drop-down list prompt Key: Print the current web page: Ctrl+P

Save the current web page: Ctrl+S

Refresh (reload) the current web page: F5, Ctrl+R

Force refresh (Ignore cache) Current page: Ctrl+F5, Shift+F5

Stop loading the current page: Esc

Open the find bar: Ctrl+F

Find the next one: Ctrl+G, Enter

Find the previous one: Ctrl+Shift+G, Shift+Enter

Download Link Target: Alt+Click Link

Open the source code of the current webpage: Ctrl+U

Add a page link to your favorites: Drag a link to the Favorites bar

Add the current page to your favorites: Ctrl+D

Switch full screen display :F11

Zoom in: Ctrl+ +, Ctrl+ scroll up the mouse wheel

Zoom out the page: Ctrl+ -, Ctrl+ scroll down the mouse wheel

Restore the page to normal size: Ctrl +0

Scroll down the page: spacebar

To the top of the page: Home

Go to the bottom of the page: End

Scroll horizontally on the page: Shift+Roll the mouse wheel

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